July 2020

A new Excel add-in version ( is available in production (available at office.com & for your desktop ). What's new?

  • Match score is part of Enhance output (data enrichment)
  • Search articles by sentiment (Article-level filter)
  • Pull query parameter values from a designated spreadsheet
  • Drag and drop in the outputs tab to reorder columns returned

Support for Deep Pagination: streaming KG search results. You are now able to remove the 1000 result limit on KG queries. For Example:

curl -s "https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v2/dql_endpoint/stream?token=TOKEN&size=1500&query=type:Organization%20nbEmployeesMax%3E2%20nbEmployeesMax%3C10%20location.country.name:%22Venezuela%22" > stream.es.jsonl


curl -s "https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v2/dql_endpoint/stream?token=TOKEN&size=1500&query=type:Article%20tags.uri:%22https://diffbot.com/entity/BEAlC2Xn3M16WkrunMNhqvw%22%20publisherRegion:'North%20America'" > stream.gb.jsonl